HUGE DETECTIVE #5 (OF 5) CVR A BINT (MR) (11 Dec Release)
HUGE DETECTIVE #5 (OF 5) CVR A BINT (MR) (11 Dec Release)
THE FINALL ISSUE OF THE DETECTIVE NOIR OF GIGANTIC PROPORTIONS! CHINATOWN MEETS THE BFG IN AN ORIGINAL SERIES WHEN A STRING OF MURDERS AND DISAPPEARANCES SWEEP THE UNITED STATES¸ A HUMAN AND A GIANT WITH SIZABLE DETECTIVE SKILLS ARE ON THE CASE! After a race of giants emerged from deep sleep beneath the earth¸ a bloody conflict ensued in what became known as THE OMEGA EVENT. Eventually¸ a treaty is resolved and the state of Brobdingnag is created¸ allowing humans and giants to co-exist harmoniously. Yet tragedy threatens to shatter the peace¸ and an unlikely partnership is formed between Detectives Tamaki and GYANT. As the pair attempt to stop the criminal AT LARGE¸ they find themselves involved in a mystery BIGGER than either could imagine.