Collection: Thundercats (Georestricted)

UPDATE TOO: We have been trying to acquire the other issue #s and variants by other means, although it will be limited and will not be part of our normal process. They will appear here as they arrive in store, and removed from here if sold out. Thank you.

Based on our imports manifest, we have been granted allocation on #1 and its variants (good news to those who pre-ordered), except the Liefeld and the Parrillo virgin variants. Distributor has already canceled all our orders of #2, and restricting the rest of the ongoing series from being shipped to Australia. And that's about it with regards to ThunderCats availability in Australia. All affected customers will receive email communications regarding the matter. Thank you for your patience.

Hi dear customers! The distributor's data on ThunderCats initially stated that it can be sold anywhere in the world including Australia. However, just recently we were informed otherwise. Because there is conflict of information, we are temporarily shutting down pre-orders for ThunderCats until we get clarification from the distributor and publisher Dynamite. In the event of confirmation that it can be sold worldwide, we'll resume pre-orders for it. Otherwise, we will send email notification to those who pre-ordered, with communications about refund or replacement. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Thank you so much!